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Korean Language Class

한글 학교


Do you want to have a deeper understanding to your Tae Kwon Do practice? Or do you like to watch Kdramas or listen to Kpop?


Learn to speak, read and write Korean. Classes take place over Zoom on Sundays with an optional Study Hall on Wednesdays. Monthly tution is $20. Since class is online we have students attending from Washington, Oregon & California.


Class is taught by Joanna 선생님 (teacher). She is currently a Black Stripe but also has lived in Korea and teaches other intensive Korean language classes. 



Sunday 1:45 - 3:15pm 단군반 (Dan Gun class), more advanced class than Chun Ji

Sunday 3:30 - 5:00pm 천지반 (Chun Ji class), beginners

Wednesday 7:30-8:3pm (optional) Study Hall

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